R. Scott Gornto, MDIV, LMFT, CST

Since 1998, R. Scott Gornto has worked with Individuals, Couples/Marriages, Adolescents, Families, Groups, Churches, Executives and Leaders. Licensed by the State of Texas as a Marriage and Family Therapist, Scott’s perspective on psychotherapy takes into account the bio-psycho-social-spiritual issues that form a holistic and complete view of the person. He is the founder and owner at Auxano Counseling™ and the creator of the Auxano Approach© to relationships: a developmental approach to therapy which highlights how marriage and relationship(s) invite us to grow ourselves up emotionally. Scott is the creator of the Truth About Marriage© Workshops which assist couples in cultivating friendship, deepening intimacy, and improving partnership. He is also the creator of the RQ Relational Intelligence program for C-level executives and leaders. Scott is the author of The Stories We Tell Ourselves™ released October 2014 and is a columnist for the Huffington Post and Psychology Today. Scott is a graduate of Baylor University and Fuller Theological Seminary. He is a graduate of the Clinical Residency Program in Pastoral Counseling and Psychotherapy from the Pastoral Counseling and Education Center (PCEC) in Dallas. Additionally, Scott did extensive training with Rick Carson, noted expert in Existential/Gestalt Therapy. Scott is currently working on his PHD in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) at Texas Wesleyan University (TWU). He is a Certified Sex Therapist with the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT). His expertise includes: sexuality in marriage, physical and emotional problems with sex, affair repair, sexual compulsivity/addiction, sexual abuse, and healthy sex education. Professional affiliations include: Clinical Member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), Board Certified Supervisor by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage & Family Therapist (TMFT) and the former President of the Dallas Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (DAMFT). He also serves on the Advisory Board for the SMU Program of Counseling. After 15 years of research, Scott offers a Personal Development Track for Executives and Leaders. This four track program is tailored to C-level executives and entrepreneurs with a specific focus on Relational and Emotional Intelligence. Scott is licensed and ordained and is a former church planter and pastor. He’s an American Abstract Artist (www.gorntoart.com) and enjoys golf, soccer, tennis, scuba diving, snow skiing, fishing and spending time with his wife and their two boys.
Personal Development


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