Are You Ashamed To Admit That You Suffer From Ageism?
If you feel embarrassed about your age then you must be suffering from ageism! To invite joy and happiness in, we can break the vicious circle of shame, silence, stigma and secrecy (link is external)that...
FIFA Corruption Scandal: Why “Boys Will Be Boys”
Ahh, just another case of "Boys will be Boys" Tsk, Tsk. How naive of us to think that good sportmanship only applies to athletes and not the people people running the show. What’s most shocking about...
Many People Lack Integrity
A lack of integrity is rampant in our society. This article begins to explain the deeper causes of this lack of integrity. "By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascents to the...
How Many Lies Have You Told Today?
Lies will hurt us in the end There’s a scene in the movie “Something’s Gotta Give” that simply and succinctly captures one reality about the truth. After catching the man she loves on a date...