What NOT To Do To Get Over Break Up
Knowing what not to do to get over break up will help you recover more quickly Romantic rejections don’t just seem excruciating, they actually are. In a proof-of-concept study, participants who had recently gone through...
Start To Love Yourself To Resolve Relationship Issues
Discover what you can do to give your relationship a chance. Lauren asks: "I have been married for 12 years, our marriage has always been a struggle of various forms. I have gotten to feel so...

Breakup Was More Costly Than She Bargained For
Shrink Wrap With Dr. Jane Greer The career cost of a breakup At one time superstar music producer Calvin Harris and British singer Rita Ora were a harmonious pair in love and in their professional lives....
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Signs Your Relationship Issues Are Probably Terminal
Relationship issues - the danger signs Many of you have read about, or personally experienced the signs that your relationship is in serious trouble. Here’s a few relationship issues to jog your memory: 1. When your partner...
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Don’t Repeat The Same Mistake That Probably Caused Your Breakup
Salvaging your relationship after breakup Following a breakup, there's almost always a possibility of salvaging and healing the relationship. No matter what might have happened or who might have initiated the breakup, it's not only...
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Doesn’t He Really Love Me Anymore?
Judging feelings of love by what is on the surface There is a particular situation-- and a time in psychotherapy-- when I may be asked by a patient what his girlfriend—or her boyfriend--is thinking “deep...
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