How To Heal A Broken Heart
Did you know that a broken heart hurts as much as a coffee burn? Learn to embrace and release this pain rather than getting stuck in suffering. "Science has finally confirmed what anyone who's ever...

Why Do So Many Relationships Fail?
Discover the major cause of relationship failure and what to do about it. Most people, when asked if they want a loving relationship, will say that having a loving relationship is one of the two...
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New Movie HER Gives Clues Why Many Nice Guys Fail With Women
Why don't nice guys succeed with women? Why “Nice Guys” Don’t Make Out Any Better in the Future Than They Do Now. I looked forward to seeing Her, nominated for five Academy Awards including Best Picture,...
Our Previous Disappointments Probably Sabotage Our Present Romantic Relationships
How Your Past Traumatic Experiences Can Undermine Your Present Romantic Relationships The importance of the past, but not the immediate past. Given the fact that young people are marrying at a later age than they did...
Should She Try To Rescue This Relationship?
Playing hard to get is definitely NOT a good relationship ploy Good morning Doctor. I was getting some advice from a friend but felt it best to take it to the expert than have a...
Why Everybody Feels Heartbroken After A Break Up
What do you really lose when you break up? When we're devastated by a break up, we should ask "what are we really losing?" When we feel absolutely devastated by a relationship coming to an end,...
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