Have You Been Badly Burned By Heartbreak?
"Science has finally confirmed what anyone who's ever been in love already knows: Heartbreak really does hurt."http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/03/28/burn.heartbreak.same.to.brain/index.html "In a new study using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), researchers have found that the same brain networks...
Can You Rise To This Mother’s Day Challenge?
Let’s make this a happy Mother’s Day by being happy mothers The other day, a friend of mine texted me a picture of a sign in a shop window that said, “If momma ain’t happy,...
5 Reasons You’ll Awake From Your Dream Of Romantic Love
Why the dream of romantic love is short lived The cultural roots of the warrior/hunter man and the feminine/passive-gatherer woman run deep. The princess and the knight in shining armor are one reflection of this...
Loving Others Is Natural When You Love Yourself
You don't love yourself if you can't love others "Self-love is the source of all our other loves". - Pierre Corneille Life is all about loving yourself and others. You can't love others if you...

Are You Yearning For Unconditional Love?
Are you searching for a soul mate or unconditional love? Your quest can set you on an impossible journey to find an ideal partner. The problem is twofold: Neither we, nor any relationship can ever...
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What Stimulates The Sex Drive In Women?
How the sex drive in women differs from men's. If there’s such a thing as porn for women, it revolves around the romance novel. And the amazing popularity of this literary genre suggests the vast...
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