Erectile Dysfunction Remedy You Really Need To Keep Up
Erectile Dysfunction is a concern to men AND women Wise Readers, Swimsuits—they’re not what we’re discussing today. Nor are we broaching penis size, much as I enjoy saying ‘penis size’ and even though it’s the topic...
Studies Conclude People Who Orgasm More Frequently Live Longer
Is orgasm the secret to longevity? Sometimes we joke about how other civilization, or other ages, looked upon old age. Since we have “medical-ized” aging and death, we have shielded ourselves from experiencing other ways of understanding aging. For...

University Study Reveals First Time Sex For Women Is Improving
Men And Women Remember First Time Sex Differently Do you remember the first time you had sex? At the time, how pleasurable was this experience for you? How anxious were you? How guilty did you feel? The answer, it...
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Affairs Aren’t For Everybody
Many Men Don't Have Affairs A number of species of animals are supposed to be monogamous, sometimes over the course of a lifetime. When the offspring of these various species are analyzed by examining their...
Waiting For Love To Return May Be Better For Everybody
Should Stuart go or wait for love Dear Duana, Stuart and I parent well together. We run a household well together. And that’s it. We aren’t at each other’s throats, but the lovin’ feelin’ is long...

Do You Have Sexual Intercourse Often Enough?
Is there a prescription for sexual intercourse? When I started my psychiatric practice, I saw a 24 year old woman who came to me for treatment of her agoraphobia and panic disorder. It is my...
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